Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Putting the record straight - It has been gnawing at my conscience that my earliest rainfall blog was rubbish!  I don't know much about rain: it gets me wet, is good for the garden, can cause serious flooding. The numbers being thrown around when we arrived were a bit like the values of rupees (it all sounded like Monopoly to me).  So after making notes to myself for several weeks to look up hard data I went to the India Meteorological Department 'End of Season Report.' 

From the experts: The average rainfall for Central India is 991.5mm and apparently they had 1027.9mm this year.  43% of the country had more than average rain.

I was entertained that the end of season report congratulated itself repeatedly that its mathematical models ahead of time predicted rainfall accurately within the coefficient of variation (but the COV itself varied between 8-19).  I suspect these modelers may be related to some others of hockey stick fame.

Incidentally, the India Met also has an ambiguous address of Lodhi Road.  I wonder if they also have a non-existent meteorological museum at the same precise address.  Perhaps I will go hunting.

Glad to have got that off my chest.

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