Wednesday, October 6, 2010

12 feet long and still growing-  Our hotel has the most wonderful lounge where guests can sit and order tea, coffee, light lunch or the most amazing high tea (the only reasonably priced item in the whole hotel).  The lounge also boasts a beautiful collection of picture books on India.  Some are exquisite and some comical.  I recently glanced in Hair India which is a photographic essay on Indian hair.  Interestingly, and in contrast to other parts of the world, the photos are mainly of Indian men.  My favourite is of Ram Singh Chauhal from Jaipur.  He has a 12 foot long moustache that he has been cultivating for more than 25 years.  It has earned him a spot in the Guiness Book of Records, a cameo in Octopussy, and the front cover of one edition of the Lonely Planet.  Perhaps we'll be lucky enough to get a sighting when we visit Jaipure later this year.

1 comment:

  1. Makes me want to see Octopussy again :) Can we drink high tea together over Christmas break? Did the India Hair book give you any ideas?
