Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The National Police Museum -  I believe in exploring the area around where we live and trying out all the offerings that are free (at least once).  With that in mind I've been trawling the internet looking at things on Google Maps and trying to take advantage of our neighborhood.  One of the items that came up was the National Police Museum which was listed as being in the CBI building on Lodhi Road.  Not that I am drastically interested in police work, but I thought some of our male contingent might be: perhaps they had some exhibits along the lines of the spy museum.  The web article mentioned that visitors might experience the 'frison' of excitement viewing some of the exhibits!!  I set off ready to be surprised.

CBI building on Lodhi Road?  Our hotel is on Lodhi Road so I asked the wonderful front desk staff.  The younger staff looked baffled, but an older man confidently told me it was just 'backside of the hotel' - not five minutes.  I thought I headed in the westerly direction he pointed - there are only east or west after all and the hotel is at the eastern end of the road with only two buildings to the corner.  Wrong.  The men at the petrol station shook their heads vehemently and pointed me in the opposite direction behind the hotel.

Start again: smiling and bowing again to the hotel guards at the entrance I had to pass again. :) OK, so I'd have to actually go south on the road by the side of the hotel to try and get 'backside' of the hotel.  Nothing doing: well, yes I could keep going south, but there were absolutely no roads to the backside of the hotel.  I plodded on southwards in the increasing heat and dust and past a few chaps sleeping on the pavement in the shade and a few more looking slightly belligerently at me.  Small streets sprouted on the side but they were so uninviting I didn't dare risk wandering in on my own.  About half a mile from the hotel there was a large road with fine looking office buildings.  I asked the guards posted here for the CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation) and they pointed me down the road.  On another half mile and at least four more guards I questioned hopefully, and winding through  intricate office blocks and their over full parking areas, I arrived at a fairly shabby government building teeming with police, lawyers in their black and white short ties and unhappy sober people.  So much for 'backside' and 'only five minutes away'!

I asked the check-in clerk of the CBI building the way to the museum and he looked very surprised.  He could understand my questions, but didn't have enough English to explain more than 'no museum.'  No there was no museum here, and there never had been!  I pulled out my map hopefully and he looked thoughtful and then bewildered and finally called on another man who was in heated conversation with two other men.

The second chap pulled away from his heated discussion to help me out and pointed to the road MILES out of the city to another town where the museum had actually been located.  Having politely dealt with me in his very good English he then turned abruptly and continued his heated Hindi exchange.

Disappointed hot and dusty trudge home.  I'm doing a bit more research before venturing out these days. :)
Just because the internet says something exists doesn't mean it does and apparently a building doesn't have to be on a road to use that road as its postal address! 

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