Friday, October 22, 2010

Heavy shower - I came back to our hotel after a particularly exhausting afternoon at a craft bazaar showcasing Indian crafts and a trip to a shop my rickshaw driver wanted me to see* (hoping for commission on any sale I might make).  It was 4 p.m. and very muggy and dark.  As I strolled down the colonnade to our suite I thought 'if this were somewhere else I'd say it felt as though we were in for a storm.'  It grew darker,  then came lightning flashes and some thunder and then, gratifyingly, it poured and poured for about 30 minutes.  It seemed like good news to me - the dust was settled, the leaves looked fresh, all the plants got a watering and the air was cleared.  However, this gives the mosquitoes an extension of their breeding time - definitely not good, and there are masses of events planned for outdoors after the monsoon, so no doubt many folks were scrambling tonight with their sale goods exposed and dance troupes ready to perform on outdoor stages. . .

* I am the customer, yes, and I don't need to go anywhere I don't want to, yes! :)  However it is a little more complicated: it is really nice having a couple of rickshaw or taxi drivers who we can trust and who will look out for us - for instance when I don't have my body guards along for the adventure I like knowing that Mr. Singh expects me to show up and he would probably come looking for me because I haven't yet paid him. :)

Mr. Singh's mother died almost two weeks ago, so he hasn't been able to do business for a bit.  Last week Elaine and I got dropped at the local Khan market at 10:30 not realizing that most of the shops weren't open until 11.  An enterprising tuktuk driver happening by realized our mistake and immediately stopped and said he'd take us to an ATM and a chemist (the two items on our list).  Today as I strode off hoping to find a tuktuk an empty one drove by in the wrong direction on the other side of the median and five minutes later he was pulling up beside me.  It was THE SAME enterprising chap from Khan market!  and more uncanny he works with our Mr. Rangeet Singh and knew ALL about us.  Eek!  Those crazy westerners who live in that swank hotel who bought a carpet the first time Mr.Singh picked them up (very late wedding present for Bert's nephew - Bert managed to get it to Virginia, but still not yet to the nephew. :)).  Well Mr. Samanar clearly knows we are Mr. Singh's clients and Mr. Singh will be back on his beat very soon so it would be nice if we made a few more purchases before Mr. Singh takes the helm again, so wouldn't I like to see this shop?  OK, but I don't have much money with me today, so I will probably only be looking.  No problem, Madam, no money?  They bring to the hotel and you pay there.  Well, my husband and I have an agreement that I don't make any big purchases without him.  Very good.  Tomorrow holiday.  Your husband free?  :)  I have to admire them even if I do need a nap after every excursion.   I look forward to Mr. Singh's return: Mr Samanar takes the speed bumps too fast for his passengers. :)

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