Tuesday, October 26, 2010

All 5 senses constantly stimulated
Seeing: Exquisite beauty of people, architecture, flowers, birds, sculpture, light playing through screens and leaves and the opposite extreme of desperate hovels and dirt ingrained in faces, hands, and feet, piles of garbage, deep unhappiness etched in some faces, anger in others, naked children playing beside their road-building parents, wealthy children being dropped at tennis in their chauffeur driven cars.
Feeling: cold a/c; hot dusty streets; crowds jostling; grainy texture of the Kashmiri pears, significant 'happening' in muscles being stretched in exercise class (instructor asks 'is anything happening in your hamstring?  Can you feel it?), vibrations of almost constant street traffic; bumps in the rickshaw; washing machine spinning as though ready for take off.
Hearing: blaring horns, the call to Muslim prayer, worship music flowing from the church next to our suite, birds, the sitar  and dulcimer players in the hotel foyer, water splashing gently in hotel fountain or running in the channels, beggars knocking on car window 'Madam, madam, baby, food', washing machine rattling in its spin cycle.

Tasting: curry (often just beyond my comfort zone!), pomegranates, sweet pears, delicious high tea offerings and the o so comfortable flavour of spaghetti and tomato sauce.

Smelling:  Exotic flowers (jasmine and tuber rose and roses), masala tea, curry, hot cooking oil, nauseating sewage, rotting meat, goats, dust and traffic exhaust, the swimming pool after the hot dusty outdoors.

Non-stop and sudden contrasts.

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