Poinsettias are finished - It shouldn't have come as a surprise to me, but it did: poinsettias are in full red leaf in the heat of the summer months here and only a few rather ratty exemplars are now available because, of course, now the temperatures have dropped and the plants will only grow green leaves and no one in India is going to be forcing any plants in greenhouses for the odd Christmas celebrations! So I have contented myself with a rather orphan-like runt of a poinsettia and am hoping to coax a few more green leaves onto its lower limbs in the next two weeks.

People don't seem to plant so many plants in the ground here. They keep masses of plants in pots.Even in public gardens or outside office buildings, museums or municipal sites the landscaping is often in large terracotta pots that can easily be trucked away and replaced. I used to think the work was still in progress - perhaps the pots had been delivered, but the plants not yet put into the ground - but now realize thie pots are just frequently replaced.
There are two garden centers very close to one another in the block next to the Khan market (so upmarket clientele). They have a very diverse offering from bedding plants, vegetable starter plants all the way to perennials and shrubs and a steady stream of flowering plants for each season. I was impressed given how small each plot was and how built up the area is.
I found the tiniest little terracotta seed starter pots, really the size of a thimble. The salesman was amused that I found them so extraordinary and was delighted to give me a couple - I might even string them as a Christmas tree ornament.

It still comes as a bit of surprise that in every place the workman's laundry is fairly evident. We should be used to it by now, but it still hits me like one of those picture puzzles I loved as kid "Find the ten mistakes in this picture" or "find these hidden objects in the picture." Strolling amongst the annuals I find the day's laundry drying. :) Well perhaps the gardener lives on the premises, or perhaps he can only do the laundry during the day or perhaps it is that he can't possibly leave it unguarded all day. It all blends in quite well anyway.
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